Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of thinking and life which promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists. Wicca is a belief system and way of life based upon the reconstruction .W icca is areligion with strong moral code, promises peace and harmony with the universe and offers its followers the ability to tap into a supernatural source of power to be used for the benefit of mankind. It is a nature based religion and wiccans believe that they are tapping into an energy source that is naturally occurring in the world around us, and merely needs to be channelled in the right direction.
Wicca is a very peaceful, harmonious and balanced way of thinking and life which promotes oneness with the divine and all which exists. Wicca is a belief system and way of life based upon the reconstruction .W icca is areligion with strong moral code, promises peace and harmony with the universe and offers its followers the ability to tap into a supernatural source of power to be used for the benefit of mankind. It is a nature based religion and wiccans believe that they are tapping into an energy source that is naturally occurring in the world around us, and merely needs to be channelled in the right direction.
Wiccans practicing White magic, which is good as opposed to Black magic which is evil.Wiccans do have an extremely clear ethical and moral system with very distinct boundaries, despite certain Christian clergy claims to the contrary. We believe that the determination of what is right and wrong is made by the Goddess and the God and communicated clearly to us through personal contact with the divine. Ethical responsibility is a very important part of our religion.
The God and Goddess
There is an ultimate life force called "The One," or "The All" from which the male and female aspects of life emerged, i.e., the god and goddess. The Divine, god or goddess, depending on to whom you are talking, can have different names.
There can even be references to different gods from other theological systems: Hinduism, Egyptian, Buddhism, ancient Greece, Sumerian, Christian, etc. In Wicca it doesnt really matter what name is given to a persons concept of God as long as you have one, or two, or more.
The God and Goddess represent the balance of the universe, the world as a whole, no one part complete without the other. They are not, however, dichotomies - they are not opposites. They can both represent all things - both life and death, for example. They are a unit, more than they are two singulars, better thought of as "God and Goddess" instead of "God" and "Goddess"
The Goddess is usually seen as a Goddess of the Moon. She who rules over night. The Goddess has three fases, just like the fases of the Moon. The Moon goes from waxing to full to Waning. The Goddess goes from Maiden to Mother to Crone. The The God is usually considered to rule over the Sun. He is in charge of the seasons and the turning of the Year wheel. Sometimes, although not always, the God is said to go through form changes like the Goddess. He may be the Green Man, the Hunter, and the Lord of death, or likewise. The goddess of Gardner was certainly a moon goddess, and presumably Gardnerians view her as having a triple aspect. This does not mean, however, that every goddess is a triple faced moon goddess, nor that every goddess can be conveniently fitted into one these three aspects. . In Wicca the Trinity refers to three different states or aspects of the same entity. Entity which is, in turn, the feminin aspect we can discern from the Divine. Each of this aspects has its characteristics, making it quite distinct from the others, each of them possible to be related to inner aspects of our psyche. These images of the Maiden, Mother and Crone have appeared and been revered by humanity for millenia, sometimes appeared in myths that were obviously obscured by the conquests matriarchal societies suffered.
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