Witchcraft 101
Duration: 1 Year (52 Classes)
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Note: This course has a selective admission process. We evaluate prospective students' energy and conduct a telephonic interview to determine eligibility. To schedule an interview for admission, please contact us on WhatsApp.
Casting and Enhancing Spells with different methods
Performing Rituals
Use Moonology to enhance spells
Learn about different traditions
Learn to use the power of 4 elements to perform magick
Tap into infinite power of the Universe to perform magick
Magickal tools and different altars
All about Magickal Circles
All about charms, amulets, mojo bags
Kitchen Witchery
Wicca 101
Duration: 1 Year (52 Classes)
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Note: This course has a selective admission process. We evaluate prospective students' energy and conduct a telephonic interview to determine eligibility. To schedule an interview for admission, please contact us on WhatsApp.
What is Wicca
What is magick
Psychic Protection
Deity Divine & you
Inner self & you
The Wiccan altar
Wiccan Tools
Magical Circle
Invoking Deities & Gods
Wiccan Rituals attire
Symbology: omens & talismans
Energy work : healing & Magick
Magical herbs, oils & incense
Stones & crystals
Spell casting/candle magick
Tarot Reading, Runes Reading, Pendulum Dowsing
Channelling & mediumship with tools
Dedication rite/ ritual
Initiation into Wicca
Divination 101
Duration: 1 Year (52 Classes)
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Note: This course has a selective admission process. We evaluate prospective students' energy and conduct a telephonic interview to determine eligibility. To schedule an interview for admission, please contact us on WhatsApp.
Understanding Divinationk
Tarot Cards
Oracle Oraclesy
Pendulum Dowsing
Aura Reading
Energy Healing 101
Duration: 1 Year (52 Classes)
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Note: This course has a selective admission process. We evaluate prospective students' energy and conduct a telephonic interview to determine eligibility. To schedule an interview for admission, please contact us on WhatsApp.
Understanding Energy
Understanding Aura
Human Anatomy
Pet Anatomy
Methods Energy Invocation
Complete Energy healing
Family Tree Healing
Ancestral healing
Removing Negative Influences & Entities
Healing with Angels and Archangels
Healing with Candles , smudges and herbs
Crystal Healing
Pendulum Healing
Healing affirmation methods
Space cleansing/healing
Wicca 202
Duration: 1 Year (52 Classes)
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Note: This course serves as the second level to Wicca 101. Completion of the first year is required to enroll in this level.
Advance Occult Symbology
Advance Tarot Reading
Life journey: Birth , Death and Karma
The Spirit World
Introduction to Astral Travel
Advance Energy Work
Advance Magick
Higher Rituals
Wicca 303
Duration: 1 Year (52 Classes)
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Note: This course serves as the Third level to Wicca 101. Completion of the First and Second year is required to enroll in this level.
Rules & Commitments of Third Degree Students
Behaviour & Presentation
Astral Travel
Distance working/healing
Understanding Soul, Soulmates and other mates
Past Life Regression
Soul Incarnation
Soul Fragmentation and Retrieval
Akashic Records
Solving Problems of life in all 7 planes
Dedication Ritual
Initiation Ritual
Magick Unleashed : Spellcasting for Beginners and Beyond
Duration: 25 to 30 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given after you pass the Test.
What is Magick
Difference between Magic & Magick/ Similarities/Difference between Magick and Spirituality
What is Candle Magick
How to use Candles for Magick.
Color & Zodiac Significance of Candle
Different types and shapes of Candle.
Annointing Candles
Preparing and Charging Candle for Magick
Essential Oils Uses and Importance
Uses of different oils as per spell.
Charging Oils
How to energise and use them
Other tools of magick
Introduction to knot magick, herbology, jar magick
power of sigil
sigil creation
Different paths of magick , understanding
Visualization Techniques.
Protection Techniques.
How to Cast & uncast a Circle
How to Make Altar
Invocations of Elements
Introduction and Invocation to gods & goddesses
How to Create your own Spell
Love Spells, Money Spells, Health and healing Spells, Unbinding & Protection Spells,
Precautions to be taken while casting a spell
Rules of Magick
Advance Spellcasting
Duration: 25 to 30 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given after you pass the Test.
Advance Customised Altars
Spells without supplies
Quick Magick
Astral Magick
Complex Ritual
Adding Sigils & Runes
Customizing your own Magickal Oil
Introduction to Ceremonial Magick
Ceremonial Magick spells
Hoodoo Spells
Image Magick
Undoing of Magick
Precautions & Rules of Magick
Magickal Potions / Kitchen Witchery
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
What is a Magickal Potion
Kitchen Witch : Introduction & History
Cooking a Magickal Meal
Global Herbs & their Properties
Indian Herbs & their Properties
Magickal correspondence of Food
Magickal Plants and Kitchen Garden
Nuts & Dairy Magick
Kitchen Altar Creation
Preparing a Magickal Potion
Different Types of Potions
Magickal Recipes
Love and Romance Potions
Money & Abundance Potions
Health & Healing Potions
Protection & banishing Potions
Peace & Harmony Potions
Ward off Evil Potions
The Oath of Magick
Rules to be followed
Akashic Records
Duration: 2 days Class and 1 month Attunement and Guidance through the Records Journey
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
What are Akashic Records, an Introduction
Peeping into some history of Akashic Records
Cleansing and enhancing Meditations
Why access Akashic records and what all we can do by going to Akashic Records
Hierarchy of Higher Beings in Akashic Records
What kind of information do we get from Akashic Records
Guidelines and Rules for Reading Akashic Records
The different process of Reading Akashic Records
Reading Akashic Records for Self
Reading Akashic Records for others
Jar Magick
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Understanding the concept
Choosing a Jar
Important Herbs
Uses of Oils
Use of Candles
Other Supplies
Creating a Jar Spell
Making a Magickal Jar For :
Love , Romance & Marriage
Bringing back your love
Protection and banishing
Health & Healing
Friendship & Social Circle
Storing a Magick Jar
Disposing off of a Magick Jar
Universal Law of Magick
Mojo Bags
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Understanding the concept
History of Mojo Bags
Charms & Amulets
Feeding Oil Recipes
Creating a Mojo bag for a purpose
Process of Disposing off of Mojo Bag
Mojo Bag Designing
Mojo Bag spells
Protection bags
Money Abundance bags
Jinx and evil eye removal bags
Domination bags
Jazebel Bags
Property Attraction bags
Love & Romance bags
Misc Bags
Important & considerable things for Mojo Bag Magick
Astral Travel
Duration: 12 to 16 weeks, one class every week
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Understanding the term: Astral Travel
Truth & Myths about Astral Travel
Different Methods of Astral Travel
Waking up in Dreams
Dealing with Different Entities
Understanding Dream Symbols
Overcoming Obstacles
Wishful and Controlled Astral Travel
Discussion on possibilities while Astral Travel
Understanding Sleep Paralysis as per Spiritual paths
Time Travel in Astral Travel
Practice Classes of 15 hours
Learn House Blessings & Cleansing Rituals
Duration: 8-10 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Understanding Energy and Energy flow
Recognizing the need for House/space Cleansing
Types of Blockages and Negativity in house/space
Causes of blockages and Negativity
Rituals, spells, and Processes of Cleansing
Rituals, Spells, and Processes of Protection
Using Matter for Protection
Deities for Protection
Protection Altar
Prayers and Affirmations for continued cleansing and Protection
Classes on all courses are available in person / online video conferencing.
Connecting & Healing with Fairies and other Magickal Creatures
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Understanding the fairy world
Getting connected with them
Fairy Altars
Different Kinds of Fairies
Understanding the healing powers of the fairy realm
Knowing and getting connected with magickal creatures like Mermaids, Unicorns, Dragons, Gnomes etc
Invoking the magickal healing flow within.
Healing emotions, physical health and finances
Healing relatinships and Marriage
Attracting the right partner for marriage thru fairies
Creating Money Magnet for self and others
Beauty Healing
Guidance Board and Oracle cards
Creating Fairy/ Magickal Charms
Ascended Masters & Their Invocations
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Meeting with Spirit Guides
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
What are spirit guides.
Differentiating Spirit Guides from other Angels & Deities
Methods to Connect with Your Spirit Guides
How to Recognize and make a repo with your Spirit Guide
How & Where their guidance can help
Guided Meditation to contact spirit guides
Animal Totems and their role in our life
Guided Meditation to Connect with your Animal Totem
Defining the nature and usefulness of your connection with Animal Totem
Psychic Protection
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Introduction & Need of Psychic Protection.
How to Develop, Strengthen and Block your Aura.
Meditations: Protecting Self, Family Members and other Belongings
Self Charging/Healing through Crystals.
Psychic Protection: Methods and Implementations.
Protection from Negative people around.
Protection from Negative influences.
Protection from inner/self created Negative emotions.
Protection from Black Magic.
Protection from Negative Spirits.
Initiation for Psychic Protection by the Mentor.
Recommended for:
Magickal Manifestation
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
What is law of manifestation
Thought forms & Entities
Understanding Aura & Energy
Psychic Protection
Emotional & mental Protection
Creative Manifestation & Visualization
Exercises on Visualization
Meditations to improve visualization
Law of Attraction
Cause & affect
Instant Manifestation
Short Term Manifestation
Long Term Manifestation
Manifesting for self and others
Tools which can help you in manifestation
Become a Money Magnet
Duration: 4 Hours divided into 2 Classes
Location: Zoom Live
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Understanding and Correcting Self-Created Money Blocks
Involvement and healing of Chakras and Aura Involved
Cleansing of Blocks
Meditation for Abundance
Mantras for Abundance
Switchwords & ECs
Evocations of gods and goddesses of Money and Abundance
Money Creating Mudras and gestures
Magickal Affirmations
Getting rid of Debt
Guided Session by Mentor to remove Past Life Money Blocks
Petition writing to create sudden flow of abundance
Chakra Healing
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Introduction to Chakras
Functions of Each chakra
Colors, shape and Energy of Chakras
Chakra Meditation
Chakra healing with Crystals
Chakra healing through Nature
How to keep your Chakras Balanced
Chakra Balancing Session with Mentor.
Knot Magick
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
History of Knot Magick
Understanding Knot Magick
Witches Ladder
Principals of Magick
The Oath of Magick
Magickal Associations
Magickal Supplies
Different Types of Knots
Knotting & Unknotting
Casting Knot Spells
Love & Romance Spells
Money & Abundance Spells
Health & Healing Spells
Divine Spells
Protection Spells
Travel & Adventure Spells
Beauty Spells
Banishing Spells
Rules of Magick
Energy Healing
Duration: 12-16 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Note: This is an advanced-level healing course; a basic understanding of healing and energy is a prerequisite
Understanding Energy Flow
Creating Energy Balls and Energy Beams
Pyramid Energy Healing
Understanding 7 bodies and Chakras of Human beings
Scanning and understanding the core issues to be healed
Energy Manipulation and diversion to create positive healing results
Colors, Crystals, and Wands for Energy Healing
Other Supplies for Energy Healing
Correction of the Thought process for fast results of healing.
Advanced healing methods to heal emotional, mental, physical, and material blockages.
Sigil Magick
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
What are Sigils
History of Sigils
Understanding Understanding Symbols
Austin Osman Spare Method
Chaos Magick Method
English Language Sigil
Runic Sigils
Things to Remember while creating Sigils
Magickal Inks and papers
Different way of Using Sigils
Thumb Rules of Sigil Creation
Creating your own way of Sigil Creation
Runes Magick
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Pre-requisite: Knowledge of Rune Reading
Candle Flame Healings
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Concept of Healing thru Candles
Colors of Candles
Candles as per Zodiacs
Oils and other supplies in Candle Flame Healing
Understanding Fire Energy
Creating Candle Flame Healing Altar
Different ways and Processes
Energy Initiation for Candle flame Healing
Healing 7 Bodies and 5 elements
Crystal Ball Gazing
Duration: 6 months
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Gaze into your Subconscious mind
Scrying or Crystal Gazing
The History of Crystal Gazing
How Crystal Gazing Works
The Receptive State of Consciousness
The Difficulties of Scrying
Working with the Moon
How to Choose your Crystal Ball
Preparing Crystal Ball for Gazing
Gauging your Scrying abilities
Your Scrying Journal
Meanings of Colors and Symbols
What all you can see or gaze in your ball
Magick with Angels
Duration: 8 Hours divided into 4 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Introduction to Angels, Archangels and Their Realms
Recognizing Love, Money, Health & Protection
Creating Altar for Magick with Angels
Understanding Herbs
Understanding Tools
Candles : Colors, shape, and other important things
Magickal Oils for Different Purposes
Invocations and Evocation
Love spells
Money spells
Health spells
Protection spells
Misc. Spells
Protection & Reversal Magick
Duration: 16-20 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Types of Attacks
Recognizing Attacks
Daily Rituals for keeping your energy intact
Other Rituals for Creating Strong Walls Positivity
Gods and Entities: understanding their energy and invocation process
Protection for home and other family members
Removal of Attack
Counter Attack and reversal
Healing and clearing the Effects of Magick or Psychic Attacks
Rules of Energy Work
Initiation into Spell Casting
References for further Studies
This course is designed to help you learn about protection and reversal magick, with a focus on defending yourself against attacks from negative energies, curses, and psychic attacks. You will learn how to recognize different types of attacks, and how to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your home from them. You will also learn how to counterattack and reverse the effects of an attack using various magickal techniques.
Course Requirements:
Comprehensive Vastu Shastra: From Beginner to Expert (16 Directions)
Duration: 10-12 Classes
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Module 1: Introduction to Vastu Shastra
The history and origins of Vastu Shastra
The significance of Vastu in modern times
Principles and concepts of Vastu Shastra
The Five Elements (Panchbhootas)
The 16 Directions (Shodasha Dikpalas)
Introduction to Vastu Purusha Mandala
Module 2: Understanding the 16 Directions
Significance of each direction and their ruling deities
Characteristics and attributes of the 16 directions
Importance of balancing directional energies
The impact of directions on various aspects of life
Module 3: Residential Vastu – Part 1
Importance of site selection and plot characteristics
Soil testing and plot orientation
Vastu guidelines for constructing a home
Planning entrances and exits based on the 16 directions
Module 4: Residential Vastu – Part 2
Room allocation and interior design principles based on the 16 directions
Kitchen, bedroom, living room, and bathroom placements
Balancing energies in the home
Vastu remedies for common residential issues
Module 5: Commercial Vastu
Vastu principles for offices, shops, and commercial buildings
Selecting the right location and orientation for business growth
Designing the layout for maximum productivity and harmony
Vastu tips for specific industries and sectors
Module 6: Vastu for Gardens and Landscaping
Understanding the role of green spaces in Vastu
Planning and designing gardens according to the 16 directions
Selection of plants and trees for a Vastu-compliant garden
Water bodies and their placement in the landscape
Module 7: Vastu Remedies and Corrections
Identifying and diagnosing Vastu problems
Traditional Vastu remedies and their applications
Modern Vastu solutions and tools
Balancing energies with color, light, and sound therapies
Module 8: Becoming a Vastu Expert
Developing intuition and sensitivity towards Vastu energies
Practical case studies and real-world applications
Ethical considerations for Vastu practitioners
Building a successful Vastu consultancy business
Advanced Scrying Techniques and Practices
Duration: 6 Months (24 Classes)
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Course Description:
This course delves deep into the art of scrying, an ancient divination technique that involves gazing into reflective surfaces to gain insight and guidance. Students will explore various scrying methods, their historical contexts, and modern applications. Through hands-on exercises, discussions, and research, participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of scrying, its symbolism, and its role in personal and spiritual growth.
Understand the History and Cultural Significance of Scrying:
Learn Scrying Tools and Techniques:
Develop Intuition and Visualization Skills:
Interpret Symbolism and Meaning:
Ethical Considerations and Responsible Practice:
Incorporate Scrying into Personal and Spiritual Practices:
Case Studies and Guest Speakers:
Research Project:
Assessment Methods:
Regular journal entries documenting personal scrying experiences and insights.
Presentation of the research project.
Master Course In Hoodoo & Rootwork
Course Duration 30 Hours
This course is designed for those who seek to deeply understand and practice this powerful spiritual tradition. Across 8 meticulously crafted modules, you'll explore everything from Hoodoo's rich historical roots to the nuanced art of crafting magical tools and connecting with the spiritual realm.
What Sets Our Course Apart:
Course Overview:
Module 1: Introduction to Hoodoo
Module 2: Foundations of Hoodoo Practice
Module 3: Spiritual Practices in Hoodoo
Module 4: Hoodoo Rituals and Timing
Module 5: The Magic of Hoodoo Tools
Module 6: Advanced Hoodoo Techniques
Module 7: Connecting with Spirits
Module 8: Living Hoodoo
Ethical Considerations and Daily Practice: Discuss the ethical aspects of Hoodoo and how to integrate this practice into daily life, ensuring respect for its origins and traditions.
Conclusion and Continuing Your Journey: Reflect on the journey through Hoodoo and Rootwork, with guidance on continuing personal growth and practice beyond the course.
Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, this course is tailored to empower you with a deep understanding and hands-on experience in Hoodoo and Rootwork. Join us on this spiritual journey to unlock the secrets of this powerful practice and harness its magic in your life. With our comprehensive resources, flexible practice opportunities, and the promise of certification, you're set to embark on a transformative path that honors the tradition's roots while evolving with you.
Mastering the Goddess Hekate's Mysteries
Duration : 15 Hours
Location: Zoom Live or In person at the South Delhi Office
You will be provided with PDF notes and a Certificate of Completion will be given.
Origins and Meanings of Hecate’s Names and Titles
Iconography: Exploring Hecate’s Symbols, Flora, and Fauna
The Early Forms of Hecate: Historical Perspectives
Exploration of Hecate’s Sacred Sites and Historical Worship
The Relationship between Hecate and Artemis: An In-depth Study
Hecate’s Influence on and Integration into Christian Traditions
The Role of Hecate in Contemporary Witchcraft and Sorcery
Modern Methods of Venerating Hecate
Insights into Hecate as the Crone and Her Role in the Triple Goddess Structure
Insights into the Netherworld as Governed by Hecate
Practices of Necromancy, Alchemy of Transformation, and the Magick of Mortality
An Examination of Hecate’s Followers and Mythical Retinue
Techniques of Foreseeing and Divination
Connections with the Kabbalistic Traditions
Devotional Practices: Crafting Rituals and Offerings
Designing and Maintaining Altars Dedicated to Hecate
Guided Meditations for Spiritual Contact with Hecate
Techniques for Summoning and Invocation
Exploring Hecate’s Cosmic Role as the World Soul
Spiritual Ascension and Enlightenment Practices
Ceremonial Magick Involving Hecate: Strategies for Effective Spellwork
Protective Magick under Hecate’s Aegis: Defensive Strategies and Rituals
Leveraging Hecate’s Powers for Self-Transformation and Remedial Work
Contact Us
Address: Nehru Apartments, Kalkaji, Kalkaji Main Rd, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110019Telephones: 9873283331
E-mail: [email protected]
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